Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chocolate Making Madness

Someone has to pay the bills around here. Therefore the whole choco process is changing - ingredients, methods, molds, labels, packaging, etc. This experimental batch was whipped up the other night in Asheville city and came out incredibly well. People's eyes will continue to roll back in their heads as they savour this stuff.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Brian's cowboy shower

Here is Brian Blout (aka Brianmuhurta) preparing his shower set-up. He has been looking after the place while I was away.

Stairway to Heaven

Yesterday I built this stairway with logs and made pegs out of branches with the ax. Above the stairs is the pile of split logs left after Brian's mad log spltting session with the mauler.
While I was out of town Matt & Ira put up the braces on the posts to properly secure the structure. The massive storm before in December brought down over 40 trees on the farm, several which grazed past the house.

Eastern hiatus comes to a close

I spent the past 6 weeks on an incredible journey through SE Asia (Borneo, Sumatra etc.) making new friends and discovering ways that people live in wild places.
Sunset at Lake Meninjau, West Sumatra.