Monday, July 27, 2009

Main House and Greenhouse Site

This is the view from the south of the greenhouse and main house site. The main house will be 40' long by 20' wide. The greenhouse will be connected to the south wall of the house and will be 70' long by 20' wide. It will feature a subterranean heating-cooling system (SHCS) which will allow for tropical growing conditions and will virtually eliminate the need for household heating and cooling. The SHCS process involves forcing the hot greenhouse air into the soil to heat the roots of the plants, functioning like a simple refigerator system. My inspiration for this design was Jerome Ostenowski and his crew at the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute (CRMPI) in Basalt, CO. Jerome has been applying sustainable agriculture and forest gardening on his land and in the surrounding area for over 25 years. He is currently teaching school kids throughout his region and surrounding states.

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